Key Research Themes and Workstreams

Our innovative research portfolio emphasizes identifying risk factors and early diagnostic markers of both heart disease and cognitive decline and dementia. We aim to inform and develop novel treatments and preventative measures for managing heart disease and preventing memory loss, cognitive decline, and the disability that often accompanies it.

Our goal is to advance scientific knowledge, regarding the intersectionality of Heart disease and Brain health to ultimately reduce the public health, patient, and caregiver burden of heart disease, cognitive decline, and Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia.

Our interdisciplinary group of physicians, clinical and investigative teams are known and respected providers in their respective fields. We are building research teams and collaborations in four complementary areas.

Detection of Cognitive Decline in Women with Heart Disease

Microvascular Cardiac Disease

Sex and Gender Differences in Cardiovascular and Related Disease

Recruitment of Women and Patients from diverse communities into Clinical Trials